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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:02 am

"H- here we are," said Nemo right in front of the entrance to the carnival. The walk to the carnival was awkward since Nemo nor Hina couldn't think of anything to say. The prince walked up to the ticket stand, where a thin man in a red and white stripped hat sat. "Two unlimited passes please," said Nemo, holding up two fingers.

The man put down the newspaper he'd been holding and stared at Nemo. "By the gods, you're the prince!" exclaimed the man, taking off his hat and bowing his head a little. "I can't charge you and your..." he slowed down as he leaned out of the small kiosk and stared at Hina. "Date, my she's a fine little one! Fitting for a prince! Come, I'll stamp your hands and you can go in!"

Nemo was a bit taken aback by what the man had said. Did he and Hina really look like a good couple? "T- Thank you," the prince said a little embarrassed as he put his right hand up on the counter.

"Come on, you too princess," said the man smiling at Hina, holding his stamper at the ready.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:09 am

Hina held out her hand to the man to let him stamp it. She didn't really care for the design of it so she didn't bother with it as much as she could've. This is actually Hina's first carnival so she didn't really know what to do. She thought it'd be best to let Nemo decide where to go so she decided to ask "Um... Where are we going now?"


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Codknight Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:13 pm

Jack was running around the carnival playing all of the side attractions. To him they were more entertaining then the rides more the often. He stopped at a shooting gallery and took aim with his sling shot. His goal was the grand prize. A silver X pendant that caught his eye. After spending more silver then the pendant itself was worth he finally knocked it off the nail it was hanging from. The man didn't complain and handed it over. Jack walked away with mixed feelings of achievement and being ripped off.

Kira walked into the carnival seeing as most of the city will come to it at one point or another during the days they were here and hopefully her brother will be one of those people. She searched all over but found turned up nothing. In the end she decided to wait in the dining area with some cotton candy.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:28 pm

"Hm... I suppose we could ride on the Ferris wheel," said Nemo. It'd been a long time since he'd been here. Then he guided Hina through the crowds, ignoring the people that called out to him. "See, this is the Ferris wheel, wanna ride it?" asked Nemo, pointing to the giant spinning circle held up by stands of steel.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:36 pm

Hina was amazed at how big the Ferris wheel was and how it was slowly moving with just a steel frame supporting it. Hina couldn't trust going into such a wheel as if they suddenly stopped spinning the wheel, she would be trapped up there forever until someone came to save her. Although, since Nemo was going to be with her, she assumed that it was going to be safe so Hina replied "O-Okay." She then proceeded to follow Nemo into one of the Ferris wheel cars.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:27 pm

The cars went up in a circle and then stopped when it reached the top to let another group of passenger's on. As the car was stopped Nemo pointed out to the horizon. "Look at the way the sun makes the sea sparkle," said Nemo. "It's beautiful isn't it?" asked Nemo, smiling at Hina.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:39 pm

Hina awes in amazement at the vista that Nemo presented to her. She then looks back at Nemo who was sitting across from her and nods.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:52 pm

The wheel continued rotating for a little bit until it stopped so they could get out. They hadn't been out for very long when he saw the man from earlier advertising something. He spied Nemo and Hina and made his way over to them. "Well hello there dear prince and princess," he said with a bow. The way he referred to Hina made Nemo blush, he thought that Hina was his princess.

"G- good to see you again," said Nemo.

The man stood straight and pulled out a flier and handed it to Nemo. "You two should compete in today's couple contest, winner gets free unlimited cotton candy," said the man offering Nemo a crooked smile.

The man thought they were a couple! The thought excited Nemo but also made him a bit more embarrassed. He wanted to accept the offer but he couldn't do so without Hina's permission. "What do you think Hina? I- I really like the idea of free cotton candy."


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:05 pm

"Eeeeh!?" Hina replied in shock. The fact that they would be competing in a couple competition surprised her as she was not really Nemo's girlfriend. In couple competitions, couples would compete with each other to prove that they are the best partner by answering trivia about their partner like their birthday, favorite food, and etc.

Although Ursela nailed most of that information into her during their training that one morning so she was almost confident in her ability to answer questions about Nemo but she wasn't quite sure about the other way around.

Although it seemed like Nemo really wanted the cotton candy, whatever it is. So Hina had to help Nemo get it, as part of being a friend and being a servant of the prince. Hina clenched her hands together near her chest and replied "O-Okay! I'll do my best nya!"


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:48 pm

"Great! Here's the signup sheet," said the man as he offered Nemo a pencil and held out a clipboard with a piece of paper on it. Nemo signed the paper under the Boyfriend column and passed the pencil on to Hina.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:06 am

Hina took the pencil and the clipboard and began to hesitate signing herself onto the Girlfriend column. Signing her name here would mean that they admit that they are a couple. But for the sake of getting Nemo his candy, Hina mustered up the courage to sign under it.

After sighing a deep breath, she gave it back to the man and asked "Um... Wh-when does this start?"


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:13 am

"In exactly thirty minutes, until then you can prepare for the events. They are: A 3-Legged Race, A Piggy Back Obstacle Course, and of course Trivia," said the man, holding up a finger for each event as he named them.

"Alright, thank you," he said as he walked away with Hina. Once they were a good distance away he bent down to her level and whispered. "Um... We need to learn more about each other..."


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:18 am

"Eh?" Hina replied tilting her head. The fact that Nemo's face was so close to her's made her blush. It appeared to Hina that Nemo was asking her for information. But they aren't even a real couple, so Hina felt discomfort sharing her private information with Nemo. "Ah.. Um... Wh-Where should we start?" Hina asked hoping to limit the amount that she shares based on Nemo's questions.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:51 pm

"Favorite color, food, you know that stuff... I already know your birthday because of the stu-" Nemo stopped when he realized that he probably should say that he went through her student records.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:19 pm

Hina felt that she shouldn't dig into Nemo's habits of finding out other's birthdays as it would be normal. So Hina told Nemo her favorite things although slightly blushing between each one as she felt uncomfortable telling them to a guy she only just met four days ago.

"Um... I-Is there anything else you want to know?" Hina asks for reassurance.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:58 pm

"Nope, I think we should be able to win now-" Nemo stopped when he felt a sharp pain in his left hand. Immediately he clasped it in his other hand but the pain wouldn't stop, in fact it kept increasing. The pain caused him to fall to his knees.

Suddenly black energy began to surround him, he felt something push it's way into his thoughts. The thing was trying to control him, it was trying to make him... He had the extreme urge to kill Hina, but he didn't want to. He couldn't do it, and he wouldn't. He pushed the thing away and the black energy and pain began to recede. When it was over, he was breathing heavily, sweat ran down his brow, and he could barely find strength to stand.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:01 pm

"N-Nemo?" Hina asks in worry. She never saw this happen before so she can't really think of anything other than worry for him. "Are you okay?" Hina asks for confirmation.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:54 pm

"Y- yea," he said as he stood up and stared at his mark. The mark had went from being black to almost blood red. He didn't know quite what to think of what had just happen. "My mark just hurt for a second, I'm better now though," he said flashing her a weak smile. "We'd better get going if we don't wanna be late."


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:15 pm

"Eh?" Hina looked at Nemo with surprise. Hina noticed the sweat that was running down Nemo's dark expression and realized that Nemo was still feeling something. Friends normally tell each other if anything was wrong with them. Hina felt a bit of distrust as she felt Nemo wasn't telling the whole story.

But it's a friend's duty to care for one another so Hina felt that it'd be best not to stop him. He really seemed to have wanted the cotton candy so as a friend, Hina felt that she had to help even if it meant that Nemo seemed to be feeling bad. Thus she began to follow Nemo to the area for the competition.

Awhile ago, Hiro who was bored also decided to visit the carnival and to see some clowns. Upon entry, he saw a flyer for a couple competition with the reward being unlimited cotton candy. The reward made Hiro start dripping saliva as he wished to obtain it but he needed a partner. Gluttony would do anything for the unlimited cotton candy, but unfortunately, she was still not in the city yet. So he needed to find another partner.

Hiro decided to pick a random girl to be his helper, so he looked around upon entry into the carnival and found a young lady eating cotton candy in the dining area. Hiro rushed up to her and then dropped down onto his knees before asking "May I have your panties!"


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Codknight Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:23 pm

Kira looked up at the boy. "WAHH?!?!, How dare you speak to me like that. Do you know who I am!?" Kira stands up in an outrage and takes Hiro by his collar.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:26 pm

"You are a very pretty girl and I love you." Hiro replies in a confident tone and one finger pointed upwards. Then in his mind, he continues with if you hand me your panties.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Codknight Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:36 pm

Kira's face glows bright red after hearing his confession. She get's flustered so he followup ends up being a bunch of inaudible mumblings to herself, "" After the beginning confusion, she is able to speak in full sentences. "How dare a foreign insignificant whelp, that is less then a dust mite confess feelings of lo...lo...lo...of LOVE, to the Nobel daughter of the Camroy House." She raises her hand to slap him but stops remembering her purpose. "I am too busy to deal with you at the moment, unless you can tell me information on..." She pulls out a picture of her brother to show the boy and then continues her rant. "this man, then I have no use for you."


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:04 pm

"Hm..." Hiro hummed as he began to think to himself. With the LoD information network, it would be easy to obtain such information since they have contacts with high officials they seated into power by killing their competition. Although, if she were to ask how he got the information, he would need to make up some kind of plausible excuse.

Although weighing in the fact that Gluttony will be pissed that he didn't even try to get it, he might be in for a beating. So the logical choice was that he had was to use his connections to try to obtain a person who would give him panties.

Hiro then whipped out his cell phone and took a picture of the picture of the man. Afterwards he began to press several buttons on his cell phone ferociously until he finally pressed enter and then a bing sound occurred as Hiro has just sent a text to one of the LoD members in charge of information. He then proceeded to delete the saved sent message data from his phone.

A cartoon's theme song began to start playing from Hiro's cell phone which he then pressed the green button on his phone to answer the call. After hearing the words from the informant, he then replied with "That's quite interesting." and then he shut off the call and deleted the call from his call history.

"Okay, I can tell you the information of him." said Hiro as he turned towards Kira. "But on one condition..." as he paused he then raised his hands into the air and said "You have to win the couples' contest with me!"


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Ruki96 Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:12 pm

The man was waiting for them. "Ah, you're here! Come, come, it's about to start!" said the man as he placed an arm around Nemo's shoulder and guided him and Hina to a crowd of people. He released Nemo and walked up to a stage placed a few yards away from the crowd.

"Welcome all to Smiley McFun's 42nd Annual Couple's Contest! I am Smiley McFun Jr. and I will be your host for today! This year's a strong turnout especially with the prince participating, looks like it'll be a tough competition! Now without further ado, lets begin the first portion of the competition, the Three-legged-race!"


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Codknight Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:18 pm

Kira thinks to herself how reliable this information may be, but from her lack of leads to date, she can't afford to pass up this chance. "Very well, be honored to have Kira Camroy as a partner for this event. But should your information prove false, be prepared for the consequences."


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:23 pm

Hiro didn't like the fact that he would be facing punishment for something that might just be wrong with the information end. Although he didn't have time to worry about that because the games were starting soon so Hiro grabbed Kira's wrist and pulled her with him as he said "My name is Hiro Avandis! Let's go!" raising his fist into the air.

Hiro pulled Kira to one of the man's registering couples, and said "We want to sign up for the contest.". The man soon gave a okay and gave him the sign up sheet which he signed his name and soon gave to Kira to sign. Although, unknown to Hiro who was in a rush, he signed on the girlfriend friend side.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Codknight Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:31 pm

Kira quickly sign the paper in the blank still open without paying much head and together the two of them head to the event area to prepare for the race.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:07 am

Hina took the thing that they were suppose to tie their legs together with from one of the men as she didn't want Nemo to be tying their legs together. Since, if he were to bend down to tie their legs together and then look up, he would have a clear view of her panties. Although he had already seen her naked already so it probably wouldn't matter. She then began to bend down to tie their legs together.

Hiro took the thing that they were suppose to tie their legs together with and gave it to Kira. He assumed that she would have difficulties dealing with him if he were to bend down and see under her skirt.


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by Codknight Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:15 am

Kira knelt down and lifted both her and Hiro's leg, and put them in the sack, then tied the ribbon around to keep it on. She then directed her attention at Hiro. "For us to win we need rhythm so on when I say 1 move the outside leg, and when I say 2 move the inside. If we trip, be prepared to face the consequences."


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Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival Empty Re: Carnival of Disaster - Grand City Carnival

Post by NeoPlayer Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:22 am

"We don't need to do that." Hiro replied. "If you wrap your arms around me, and I can do the jumping for the both of us while our legs are still connected. It'll work as long as your foot doesn't reach the ground." Hiro continued making a thumbs up.


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